Tuesday, March 8, 2011

(Only funny purpose)
Bra as Swine Flue Mask
Swine flue? Need masks, you tried visiting various medical stores and shops selling medical accessories.
You could not get , do not worry.
Take used or old Bra (even in case of emergency just buy the new one)
Cut the front strip and use as mask.
This will give you full protection from virus.
Swine flue viruses may have greater affinity towards such masks. Do not worry they just cling to the very outer layer of the mask and never like to enter the filth of the body beyond mask, when the outer as well as inner side area is cozier.
Recent researches have shown the very encouraging results using Bra masks.
Once the epidemic over those who had purchased the new Bras and used them as masks , they can re use them as Bra with few stitches.
Bra making companies are soon coming with Bra cum mask types of product that can be used either way, mask as well as usual…..covering….
Even those using such types of masks , with constant good feelings, have found their immunity level increased. Results are encouraging.
Especially old male users, with decreased age related immunity are quite comfortable with such masks; they are feeling much energetic after using such …some senior citizens have decided to continue its use even after flue is eradicated. They are of opinion even normal use can save them from other pollutants.
Such masks are not so acceptable amongst females they say why to use third cup when they are already using two. We females are a deadliest virus too, swine virus kya beegaad lega?
Black marketers and hoarders are seen active buying and storing the stocks of Bras to be used when the epidemic will be at peak.
Govt is too, contacting Bra making companies to divert their consignments of stock directly to the nearest hospitals instead of market.
In the rural areas , where Bras are not used as fashion accessories. City based women organizations are being encouraged to collect the used and discarded Bras for the benefits of rural masses.
Media smells a deep conspiracy ….. Bra manufacturers ……behind the swine virus. Investigations are on.
Guide: “I welcome you all to Niagara Falls.
These are the world’s largestwaterfalls and the sound intensity of the waterfall is so high, even 20 supersonic planes passing by can’t be heard.
Now may I request the ladies to keep quite so that we can hear the Niagara Falls?”
A married man was asked to perform his SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) Analysis.He said, my strength is my wife.My weakness is my neighbours wife.Opportunity comes when neighbour goes out.Threat comes when I myself go out
What is a girl friend?
Addition of problems, subtraction of money, multiplication of enemies & division of friends.
Teacher tells a student a=b, b=c implies a=c.
Tell me an example. Student : I love u – u love your daughter – so I love your daughter.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Master Words:-Good Decison Comes From ExperienceBut,Experience ComesFrom Bad Decison...!good morningRavipal Reddy
Smooth road never make good driver.Clear sky never make good pilot.Problem free life never make a good person.Life is a challenge Face it.RPR
Honest lines: Don't feel for who's going away from U, but keep this in mind, don't give chance for lovable ones to go away from u . .
"change"is a nature of life. But "challenge" is a Aim of life... So always "challenge the changes" not "change the challenge"...
A beautiful night is when you hug your teddy bear and sleep...But horror is when it hugs you back.
Smile-is an address of life.Smile-is a way to get successSmile-is to win the hearts.Smile-improves your personality.So Smile-always.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

''SMILE'' is not a single word.it is a beautiful sentence. ' S'peak' M'ore' I'n' L'ess' E'nergy.. So always keep Smiling...Ravipalreddy
Search a good heart but not search a beautiful face . Beautiful things are not always good. But good things are always beautiful... Ravipalreddy
Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never succeed. (Proverbs 12:24)"
Heavy rains reminds of challengs in lifeNever ask for a lighter rainJust pray for a better umbrellaThat is the attitude. gd mrngRavipalreddy
Life is Beautiful- One Day- One Hour- One MinIt's not come Again so plz- Avoid Fight- Avoid Angry- Speak LovelySpread SmileRpreddy
Its easy to say I LOVE Ubut hard to get love from the one u love,its easy to say I HATE Ubut hard to hate the ONE whom u love.Ravipalreddy

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wen u feel aloneWen nobody is vth u
Wen nobody is near u
Wen u miss evrybody,
Tat meansU r in,
A cotton wool flying in air is due to its luck.But a bird flying n air s its efforts.So dont worry if luck doesnt support you.Efforts are yours
The big similarity between first love & first drop of rain
- You cant escape from both...Gud morning:)visit www.apcompete.com
Read each word 4rm Ri8 Side
Challenge!No one can do this.
If any one do this, i wil recharg their num with 50/-
recharg my num with 500;
Talents will take you to the high position. But good character only helps you to maintain high position.Be always Genuine & Win all the hearts

Your true character is most accurately measured by how u treat those who can do nothing for u. Good night sweet dreams:)

If Ur eyes arepositive..U will like theworld..!
If Ur tongue ispositive..The world willlike U..

"Everything is valuable only in two situations : First :- Before getting it....Second :- After losing it....So,don't miss your dear one's.

Real touching wrds 4m a frnd.."U taught me How 2 luv, How 2 laugh, How 2 cry, but when u r leaving me plz teach me..How 2 be ALONE..

I May Hurt U For Few Reasons But I always like U for Endless Reasons.Bcoz I Have One Good Reason That U r My Ever valuable friend in my life..

Don't be upset if peple preferred another one than U
It's hard to convince the monkey that strawberries are sweeter than bananas ;)

Benifits of Smiling..1) yoU lookbeautiful2) Burn calories3) Lips never godry4) Relieve stress5) make face muscle strongkeep smiling..

Do You Know The Expansion of "LAPTOP....!"
Lightweight Analytical Platform Total Optimized Power.

Whenever u feel or failed, say these Words.,
Life can be happier stressless if we remember one simple thought:
"we cannot have all that we desire,but God will give us all that we deserve"
We spend our days.waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us.But What we forget is that,Paths are made by walkingnot by waiting

Time decides whom you meet in life.
Your heart decides whom u want in life.
Your behaviour decides who will stay in ur life. GOOD eve

1Apple/day=no doctor,1Egg/day=no cancer,1Lemon/day=no fat,1Cup of milk/day =no bone problems,3 litres water/day=no diseases..

The best relationship in world is when u hold the hand of the person.. &the person walks with u without asking..."Where & Why...'' :-):-)

The best pair in the world is SMILE and CRY.
They won't meet each other at a time.
If they meet,that is the BEST moment in your life.

In this Beautiful Morning, put an end to your Yesterday's Sorrows and Welcome the arise of New Joys with a Smiling Face... happy morning...
Being a friend isnt easy bcoz its not just about sharing joke,a talk,a cup of coffe or story it means sharing the most honest part of yourself.
Future isn't,What we planned for tomorrow....It's the result of what we do today.... Do the best in present.Enjoy the future.
Its easy to say I LOVE Ubut hard to get love from the one u love,its easy to say I HATE Ubut hard to hate the ONE whom u love.
"If You're Depressed Confused or Hurt, don't Worry. Look in the Mirror, You'll Find the Best Person to Solve Your Problem..Trust Yourself"
Great quoto:No one knows, What he can do till he tries....-Publilius Syrus. So,keep trying. Success is waiting for you.
walking alone isnt difficult !!! but when we have walked a mile with someone, then coming back alone is difficult........ !!
Meaning ful sentence:
''Love doesnt come wen u meet a person, it come's wen u think abt tat person'' Its true....Good mrng:-)
"Everyone shows more love nd care in d beginning of any relationship but most doesnt shows in maintaining it"gud mrng
Experience makes1 Modified. Training makes1 Qualified.But, Involment Alone Makes Everything Satisfied, So Do All Work With Involvement.
Chanakya's quote : "Dont be too honest because straight trees are cut first, honest people are blamed first". Be flexible..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Life is long travel.on the way v meet many persons.but some one lives our heart forever.without our permission..! Like ur friendship.!Ravipal Reddy
Funny Fact: Day by day nothing changes. But,when you see back everything is different. Have a nice day. Visit www.apcompete.com
"GOD has time to listen.Do u have time to pray?"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Heros r writing exams.Q.No1 Write u r flop movies.AnsVenki:GeminiNag:BossChiru:MrugarajuMahesh:BobbyBalakrishna:Aditional plzSmile plz
If u r really want to give someone a gift, try to give u r time and attention. "A loving heart doesn't expect anything more than that. "Keep Smiling.
Venkat to his Servent:Go & water the plantsServent:Its already raining sirVenkat:So what, Take an umbrella and go.Keep SmilingRavipalReddy

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Msgs are Just Like "MooN"OneDay it "Increase"OneDay it "Decrease"May Be OneDay it "Disappear"ButNever "Dies" any time it Come Back".RPR

Short but Fantasticrequest.....!
"'Try to keep that person happy always, whom You see everyday in the Mirror...'":-)

Ravipal Reddy

Friend is not just a word!

Not only a relationship

Its A silent promise

which says







Friday, February 18, 2011

A man to a doct:Is there any medicine for long life.
Doct: Get married.
Man: Will it help..?
Doct: No, but it will avoid such thoughts....
Friends r like injections.They may sometime give u pain but the intention is always to cure ur problem
visit www.apcompete.comRavipal Reddy
"GOD has time to listen.
Do u have time to pray?"
check u r self.
Ravipal Reddy

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Never say ur happy when ur sad… never say ur fine when ur not ok… never say u feel good when u feel bad… and never say ur alone when I m still alive.
You r invited to my daughter marriage on 18/2/11at 10:54am Venue: Mekala Venkatesh function hall, Bahadur pally, Near Mahindra satyam computers, Hyd.
From R.Venkateshem, 9246105974, Sec-bad

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Three things in Life once Gone, Never come back.1.Words 2.Opportunity 3.Time.So,think&safely handle your relations.Have a nice dayRavipalReddy
Try 2 b alon sumtime.It makes u realise wr u stand in lif & wat u r 2 oths, It ll strngthen u 2 face lonelines,d most beautful pain in lifeRavipal
The most beautiful thing in this world is to see ur parents smile and the best thing is to know tht U r the reason behind their smiles:-):-)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Always Try to Prove that ''You are Right.'But, Never Attempt to Prove that ''Others Are Wrong."That's the art of being ''POSITIVE''.RavipalReddy

Whenever u failed, say these Words.,

visit http://www.apcompete.com/

Ravipal Reddy

Do You Know The Expansion of "LAPTOP....!"
Lightweight Analytical Platform Total Optimized Power.Ravipal Reddy

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's hard to convince the monkey that strawberries are sweeter than bananas ;)Ravipalreddy
Real touching wrds 4m a frnd.U taught me How 2 luv, How 2 laugh, How 2 cry, but when u r leaving me plz teach me.How 2 be ALONE.Ravipalreddy
Everything is valuable only in 2 situations First :- Before getting it.Second :- After losing it.So,don't miss your dear one's.Ravipalreddy

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Love yourself more than loving others, Because lot of time you have to live with yourself only."good morning, Have a nice day.
In this Beautiful Morning, put an end to your Yesterday's Sorrows and Welcome the arise of New Joys with a Smiling Face... happy morning...
1Apple/day=no doctor,1Egg/day=no cancer,1Lemon/day=no fat,1Cup of milk/day =no bone problems,3 litres water/day=no diseases..

Friday, February 11, 2011

Time decides whom you meet in life.Your heart decides whom u want in life.ButYour behaviour decides who will stay in ur life.Ravipalreddy
v spend our days.waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us.But What v forget is that,Paths r made by walkingnot by waitingRPreddy
Life can be happier stressless if v remember 1 simple thought:"v can't have all that v desire,but God will give us all that v deserve"Ravipal Reddy

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Future isn't,What we planned for tomorrow....It's the result of what we do today.... Do the best in present.Enjoy the future.
walking alone isnt difficult !!! but when we have walked a mile with someone, then coming back alone is difficult........ !!
Meaning ful sentence:
''Love doesnt come wen u meet a person, it come's wen u think abt tat person'' Its true....Good mrng:-)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

If u want 2 send 1 sms to thousands of u r friends in one clickJoin our sms channel. Send sms ON PENFRIEND to 9870807070visit www.apcompete.com
"Everyone shows more love nd care in d beginning of any relationship but most doesnt shows in maintaining it"gud mrng
Experience makes1 Modified. Training makes1 Qualified.But, Involment Alone Makes Everything Satisfied, So Do All Work With Involvement.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Its easy to say I LOVE Ubut hard to get love from the one u love,its easy to say I HATE Ubut hard to hate the ONE whom u love.
Future isn't,What we planned for tomorrow....It's the result of what we do today.... Do the best in present.Enjoy the future.
Being a friend isnt easy bcoz its not just about sharing joke,a talk,a cup of coffe or story it means sharing the most honest part of yourself

Monday, February 7, 2011

Free, If u want to receive free friendship sms, friends seminar details in Andhrapradesh in u r mobile send sms ON PENFRIEND to 9870807070
Never say ur happy when ur sad, never say ur fine when ur not ok, never say u feel good when u feel bad, and never say ur alone when I m still alive.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

For Blood donation camp photos visit photos.apcompete.com
If U need a friend and there are a hundred steps between us, you can take the 1st step to get near me and i will take all 99 step to be there for you.
FRIENDSHIP is like a tree… It is not MEASURED on how TALL it could be, but is on how DEEP the ROOTS HAVE GROWN…
Visit http://penphonefriends.blogspot.com

Friday, February 4, 2011

Xpressions of eyes can b read by everyone, but Depression of Heart can be read only by BEST one. Care for everyone but don’t lose the best one.
A man married a china girl. After 1 year she died. Man was crying. His frnd Sardar came and convinced, don’t feel, No Guarantee for CHINA Items.
Life is like a three pages of book.First page :birth: Last page “death”. centre page “empty”.
So, fill it with smile &enjoy the life. Ravipalreddy

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Everyone hears wat u sayFriends Listen to u wat u saybest friend listen to u wat u dont say
Every King was once a crying baby & Every gr8 building was once a sketch. Its not where u r 2day, but where u will reach 2morrow. That’s life.
Evry nice frnd is a gift of God. It’s one of life’s best blessings. This gift can never b bought, sold r forgotten just like uhave a nice day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A special some-one no one can replace.A special smile a special face,I love u and always will,U have filled a space no one could fill.
True care cannot be expressed in just some words,it can be expressed through possessiveness and angerwhen we get close to others.. .Take Care Friends
I have a pen which is blue,
I have a friend which is you.
Flowers will die, waters will dry,
but our friendship will never say goodbye.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

FAN is Changed To "AC"RADiO is Changed To "TV"CASSATE To "CD"LOVER To "WiFE"But,Do U Know Any Option To Change A "FRIEND".?
A PersOn Living IN AnOther PersOn's Heart Is Called lOve-BUT A PersOn Living AS AnOther PersOn's Heart Is Called Friendship
Cheese 4 Pizza
Passport 4 Visa
Butter 4 Bread
Ice 4 Freezer
Cream 4 Cake
Water 4 Lake
Leaf 4 Tree
A FRIEND Like You is Forever 4 Me

Monday, January 31, 2011

For our friends blood danation camp photos visit http://photos.apcompete.com/
Penfriends details http://penphonefriends.blogspot.com/
A friend is never a coincidence in ur life, they r meant to enter ur life to bring u joy and laughter. So, i will treasure the friendship between us.
There is a miracle called friendship,That dwells within the heart,And you don’t know how it happens,Or when it even starts.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Friends are the siblings God forgot to give us."
"Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever."

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nobody teaches Sun 2 rise,Fish 2 swim,birds 2 fly, Plant 2 grow,Child 2 cry,n Nobody teaches a heart to choose a friend like U..Good Night
Nobody teaches Sun 2 rise,Fish 2 swim,birds 2 fly, Plant 2 grow,Child 2 cry,n Nobody teaches a heart to choose a friend like U..Good Night

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

REPUBLIC DAY GIFTForward this to ur friendks seeking a pen frnds meetings, sms on Ur cell send sms ON space APCOMPETEto 9870807070
Wish you happy Republic Day. www.penphonefriends.blogspot.com team

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

If u love some 1 show it. It is better than telling it. If u hate some 1 tell it. It is better then showing it. Visit www.photos.apcompete.com
If loser smiles after losing the game, the winner will lose the thrill aof his victory.Thats the power of Smile. Keep Smiling.
So east or west Bachelor life is best.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

If I m in hell & u in heaven, I always look up & be proud of u. but if I were In heaven & u in hell, I beg God 2 send me down coz heaven wont be heaven without u.
If U need a friend and there are a hundred steps between us, you can take the 1st step to get near me and i will take all 99 step to be there for you.
FRIENDSHIP is like a tree… It is not MEASURED on how TALL it could be, but is on how DEEP the ROOTS HAVE GROWN…
FRIENDSHIP is like a tree… It is not MEASURED on how TALL it could be, but is on how DEEP the ROOTS HAVE GROWN…

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"A friend is a gift you give yourself."
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
Listen.2 peoples were asking me ur details today. I gave them ur address and number. They will be visiting to you soon. Their names are JOY & HAPPINES

Friday, January 21, 2011

Longest love is mother’s love,Shortest love is other love,Sweetest love is Lover’s love,but Strongest love is friend love,like u and me !
True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.
True relationships r like a music, v can’t see but v can feel and njoy d true melodies of care. U r my one of d best music. www.apcompete.com

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pedavi daatani maataku Prabuvu neevu, Pedavi daatina mataku banisavu neevu. visit www.apcompete.com www.penphonefriends.blogspot.com
Pedavi daatani maataku Prabuvu neevu, Pedavi daatina mataku banisavu neevu. visit www.apcompete.com www.penphonefriends.blogspot.com
A soft nature of a person doesn't mean weakness. Remember Nothing is softer than water. But its fource can break a strongest of a rock. visit www.apcompete.com www.penphonefriends.blogspot.com
1Apple/day=No doctor, 1Egg/day=no cancer, 1Lemon/day= no fat, 1cup of milk/day=No bone problems, 4litres water/day no diseades. Good morning

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Forward dis to ur frnds - Looking for JOB ALERTS, Current affires & GK on your Mobile, send sms ON APCOMPETE to 9870807070
A Good Heart and Good Nature r 2 different issues. A Good Heart can win many relationships, but good Nature can win many good hearts. www.penphonefriends.blogspot.కం

Monday, January 17, 2011

Devudiki mind block ayyedi eppudo telusa? Pelli kani ammayi pregnant ayite, vaalla amma "Devuda enta pani chesavu annappudu" Good morning
Mee kosam ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ mottam rasanu. Na kosam 1,2,3,4,.... mottam rasi sms cheyava. Take u r own time.