Tuesday, March 8, 2011

(Only funny purpose)
Bra as Swine Flue Mask
Swine flue? Need masks, you tried visiting various medical stores and shops selling medical accessories.
You could not get , do not worry.
Take used or old Bra (even in case of emergency just buy the new one)
Cut the front strip and use as mask.
This will give you full protection from virus.
Swine flue viruses may have greater affinity towards such masks. Do not worry they just cling to the very outer layer of the mask and never like to enter the filth of the body beyond mask, when the outer as well as inner side area is cozier.
Recent researches have shown the very encouraging results using Bra masks.
Once the epidemic over those who had purchased the new Bras and used them as masks , they can re use them as Bra with few stitches.
Bra making companies are soon coming with Bra cum mask types of product that can be used either way, mask as well as usual…..covering….
Even those using such types of masks , with constant good feelings, have found their immunity level increased. Results are encouraging.
Especially old male users, with decreased age related immunity are quite comfortable with such masks; they are feeling much energetic after using such …some senior citizens have decided to continue its use even after flue is eradicated. They are of opinion even normal use can save them from other pollutants.
Such masks are not so acceptable amongst females they say why to use third cup when they are already using two. We females are a deadliest virus too, swine virus kya beegaad lega?
Black marketers and hoarders are seen active buying and storing the stocks of Bras to be used when the epidemic will be at peak.
Govt is too, contacting Bra making companies to divert their consignments of stock directly to the nearest hospitals instead of market.
In the rural areas , where Bras are not used as fashion accessories. City based women organizations are being encouraged to collect the used and discarded Bras for the benefits of rural masses.
Media smells a deep conspiracy ….. Bra manufacturers ……behind the swine virus. Investigations are on.
Guide: “I welcome you all to Niagara Falls.
These are the world’s largestwaterfalls and the sound intensity of the waterfall is so high, even 20 supersonic planes passing by can’t be heard.
Now may I request the ladies to keep quite so that we can hear the Niagara Falls?”
A married man was asked to perform his SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) Analysis.He said, my strength is my wife.My weakness is my neighbours wife.Opportunity comes when neighbour goes out.Threat comes when I myself go out
What is a girl friend?
Addition of problems, subtraction of money, multiplication of enemies & division of friends.
Teacher tells a student a=b, b=c implies a=c.
Tell me an example. Student : I love u – u love your daughter – so I love your daughter.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Master Words:-Good Decison Comes From ExperienceBut,Experience ComesFrom Bad Decison...!good morningRavipal Reddy
Smooth road never make good driver.Clear sky never make good pilot.Problem free life never make a good person.Life is a challenge Face it.RPR
Honest lines: Don't feel for who's going away from U, but keep this in mind, don't give chance for lovable ones to go away from u . .
"change"is a nature of life. But "challenge" is a Aim of life... So always "challenge the changes" not "change the challenge"...
A beautiful night is when you hug your teddy bear and sleep...But horror is when it hugs you back.
Smile-is an address of life.Smile-is a way to get successSmile-is to win the hearts.Smile-improves your personality.So Smile-always.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

''SMILE'' is not a single word.it is a beautiful sentence. ' S'peak' M'ore' I'n' L'ess' E'nergy.. So always keep Smiling...Ravipalreddy
Search a good heart but not search a beautiful face . Beautiful things are not always good. But good things are always beautiful... Ravipalreddy
Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never succeed. (Proverbs 12:24)"
Heavy rains reminds of challengs in lifeNever ask for a lighter rainJust pray for a better umbrellaThat is the attitude. gd mrngRavipalreddy
Life is Beautiful- One Day- One Hour- One MinIt's not come Again so plz- Avoid Fight- Avoid Angry- Speak LovelySpread SmileRpreddy
Its easy to say I LOVE Ubut hard to get love from the one u love,its easy to say I HATE Ubut hard to hate the ONE whom u love.Ravipalreddy